Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness Month – 20 Tips for Maintaining Your Mental Health

I’m not going to call it depression, but as of late, I find myself slipping into an emotionally dark place.

I’d just gotten into a nasty argument in a room full of people. On top of this, I felt ganged up on and unsupported. The two weeks that follow is me in the midst of a deep sadness; doing my best to fight off a full blown depression. I break my all my routines and drink daily. What’s more, I wasn’t even getting out of bed. I wake up. Log into my computer. I spend eight hours working; laptop on my thighs, and log off just to start the whole routine tomorrow. Just sad, really.

Oddly enough – a massive Real Housewives of New York binge helps distract me. A nail appointment gives me a pretty and uplifting pop of color every time I look down at my hands. Working on my blog gives me an emotional release through words. Slowly I come back, but the line between happiness and depression, at least for me, is a thin one that I’ll continue to walk for the rest of my life.

Mental Health Awareness Month

The month of May is mental health awareness month. Mental Health Awareness is a national movement with the purpose of driving awareness surrounding those living with mental health issues such as depression, bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia. This group tends to be marginalized, so to recognize the effects of mental health brings a validation that is needed to help reduce the stigma. Equally important is the overarching message: mental health is something we should all be concerned about.

Importance of Good Mental Health

Sound mental health is something many of us tend to not think about. We underestimate the importance of mental health. However, good mental health affects and branches out into so many areas of our lives. As a whole, mental health encompasses our emotional and psychological well-being. Moreover, it influences how we act and handle ourselves in certain situations. Most importantly, mental health drives how we handle stress.

So with my example from a few weeks back when I had the argument. That night, I found myself drinking way too much and ended up in a heated exchange that had me arguing, slurring my words and as incomprehensible as Dorinda Medley in her worst of Real Housewives of NY drunk scenes.

The truth of the matter is, I wasn’t dealing with my real insecurity: feeling voiceless; I felt like I wasn’t being heard. Another underlying issue is that I’m in a room full of people where I’ve always looked for, but never really felt acceptance. Ultimately, the way I handled things was drinking too much and snapping at someone. At that moment, my mental health wasn’t in a good space. There wasn’t a good balance. As a result, I didn’t handle myself well in that situation. See how important mental health is? I made myself look like the village idiot and spent the next couple of weeks feeling down about it.

Tips for Maintaining Good Mental Health

Tips for Maintaining Good Mental Health
  1. If something is making you feel uneasy, acknowledge it & express yourself freely.
  2. Find an awesome thing about YOU and praise yourself a couple of times of day.
  3. Stick to a regular sleep schedule. Lack of sleep has been linked to depression.
  4. Exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins which are mood lifters.
  5. Diet: Eat foods that boost your mood: nuts, leafy grains, avocados, beans and flaxseed.
  6. Acknowledge one thing you’re grateful for daily.
  7. Carve out time to relax.
  8. Take a walk on the beach; changing routine gives you something to look forward to.
  9. Limit alcohol consumption.
  10. Connect with others. Doesn’t have to be a person either – pets are wonderful companions!
  11. Self care: Get a manicure or new hair style. Do something that makes you feel good.
  12. Meditate.
  13. Pray. Connecting with a power gives purpose, direction and is grounding.
  14. Learn strategies to deal with stress.
  15. Sing a song. For me, music is a lifeline. Sing an uplifting song to keep the mood up.
  16. Volunteer. Nothing reminds you of how much you’re blessed than when you’re giving back.
  17. Read a book.
  18. Find a show to binge.
  19. Pick up a new skill. Ever wanted to learn how to paint? Find a class!
  20. Seek professional help when needed. Getting help is a sign of awareness and strength.

Wishing you all a sound mind and body! Happy Mental Health Awareness Month.

Blissfully Single and Yours

