Food & Drink

Charcuterie Board Ideas for the Holidays

Disclaimer: The Blissfully Single Bean Blog isn’t a big time blog *yet*. Any links in this post are not affiliate links. These are products I truly enjoy; I’m not receiving any compensation should you follow or purchase from these links…..YET!

When the holidays are here, a good charcuterie board is a staple in my house. Whether I’m hosting or simply enjoying an afternoon with some bubbly, knowing how to make a charcuterie board has made many a holiday just so delightful for me.

What’s funny is that a friend of mine and I have been really enjoying these lately, but charcuterie board pronunciation was killing us for a minute. I thought he was pronouncing it wrong, when all this time it was me. We took it to the dictionary: “shar-coot-erie“….he was right.

Now, there are plenty of places where you can find a ready made one; a simple google search of: charcuterie board delivery near me will provide you with a plethora of options, but nothing beats a charcuterie board diy. Deciding on what goes on the charcuterie board. Organizing and bunching items. It’s your own artistic expression at play. The best charcuterie board comes from you!

What You’ll Need

Charcuterie Board
If you’re wondering where to buy charcuterie board, literally everywhere! My favorite stop is Amazon though. So much variety and if you’re an Amazon Prime member – you can receive it in as little as two days. Target has some nice ones as well if you’re more the physical, touch and feel type shopper.

Ingredients and Add-Ons
You’ll need a nice mix of charcuterie board meats and charcuterie board cheese. Now when selecting your cheese, be sure to include a nice mix of both hard and soft. Don’t forget your crackers and fig jam either. You can add fruit, almonds, the possibilities are endless! That’s what I love about a good ole charcuterie board.

Charcuterie Board Theme
Yes, we can give a charcuterie board a theme. If your board is for a Christmas brunch, I’d use strawberries alongside a white cheese and green olives. A theme makes the board pop!

Charcuterie Board Ideas

Photo Credit: Blissfully Single Bean Blog

I made this board to capture the beauty of an incoming fall. The browns and variation of subtle reds give that warm, Fall feeling. Plus, my friend who was coming by is a really healthy eater, so I focus on more fruits and less cheese on this charcuterie board. This is my prettiest one, I’m proud of myself: Go Bean, Go Bean, Go Beans!

Photo Credit: Blissfully Single Bean Blog

Another one from me. This was back in the day when I just started my charcuterie board game and my sophisticated wine of choice was Yellow Tail. Bless my heart. My original post is titled: How to Make a Cheese Board. Like girl, that ain’t no damn cheese board, it’s a vegetarian charcuterie board! But I made this the night Monica and Brandy had their historic and to me, the best Verzuz EVER! This board was the perfect set up. A single server, with just four kinds of cheese. Eating my comfort food of cheese paired well with all the memories this “battle” brought.

Photo Credit: Blissfully Single Bean Blog

For this one, I add a soft, blue cheese. Fun fact: blue cheese on a cracker with a touch of fig spread makes for a great sweet and savory combination!

Photo Credit: Holloway

A friend made this personal board and sent me the photo. First, I love the charcuterie board itself. The deep ridges give the board a nice frame for the cheeses and fruit. You can tell me and my people love the Dalmata Fig Spread!

Photo Credit: Kath Eats Blog

We’re moving into the expert level friends. This Thanksgiving charcuterie board from the Kath Eats blog is highly textured and layered with charcuterie meats, crackers and fruits. I love how the crackers are stacked and how she cuts the apple slices.

Photo Credit: Appetizer Addiction

I love that this charcuterie board is round. Also, the mozzarella presents a different type of charcuterie board cheese than I normally use on mine. Very unique! I may attempt this board from Appetizer Addiction for my Christmas brunch this year.

Photo Credit: The Baker Mama Blog

This mother of all charcuterie boards, the Baker Mama Blog shows you how to create this Trader Joe’s inspired board that will feed a crowd!

Photo Credit: Holloway

Last one; a nice one-person charcuterie board. The crescent rolls gives this a brunch sensibility.


Are you all putting any charcuterie boards together? What cheeses are you all using? Drop a comment below!

Happy Holidays Friends!

Blissfully Single and Yours,

