April Month Goals
Live, Laugh & Love

Bean’s Monthly Goals for April 2021

Alright. So let’s rewind here and start all over again.

Your girl Blissfully Single Bean missed blogging about her March goals, so I’m starting from scratch in April.

You know, the thing about goal setting is being consistent. If you aren’t writing down your monthly goals and reviewing them daily, chances you aren’t going to achieve most – in any, for that matter. Consistency drives success.

Other tips to help you achieve your goals:

Alright nah! Let’s move on to Bean’s April 2021 goals.

April Goals

I think with my goal setting, I was trying to do too much in one month. I’m going to start small this time around and keep my goals limited to fitness, blogging, fashion, finances and relocation.

Reach short term weight goal of 131 pounds. I’ve been using the Noom app and it’s been great. I started “nooming” since February 18th, its been about six weeks now, and I’m down 7.5 pounds. I couldn’t be more excited! The Noom app doesn’t stress dieting, but it takes a psychology based approach in helping you lose weight. Based on my weight loss goals, the Noom app has given me a goal of 131 pounds by April. I’m steadily headed there.

I’ve created a blogging content calendar! My blogging goal this month is to stick with my calendar. If I do, I will have published 12 posts for the month. According to OkWrite.com, the ideal number of posts to publish a month is between 11-16. Twelve posts a month puts me right there. All I have to do is stick with the plan. I use excel to create my content calendar:

I’ll need to commit to getting my hair done, put on two outfit changes and go on a photo shoot. If I’m serious about this blogging thing (and yes, I am) I need to create content that showcases myself as the face of my brand.

Sell my truck and use half the proceeds to pay my highest balance credit card.

I’m planning on moving to Atlanta! My goal in April is to fly out to Atlanta, visit a couple of homes and make an offer.

What are your goals for the month of April?

Blissfully Single and Yours,

